Monday, December 10, 2007

New Website format

First post of the new website! Okay, so it's not an actual website, it's a blog. But I'm thinking of using the blog format as my actual website. Updates can be made much easier and quicker, and I can still link to my actual webpages. I'm pretty happy with the Header, but would eventually like a custom-made one featuring squiggles and filigree and images that I like. But for now, this'll work. I'll still blog at my regular blog. I won't blog here. Posts will be infrequent. In fact, I may just keep the one post showing with updates, and that's it. Because it's a homepage, right?

What do you think?

Did you get a chance to download the free pdf of WICKED ANGELS? Go get it!

Check out my new obsession, The Ultimate FaeryList!


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